Eye Exam

What is an eye exam?

The different tests in an eye exam checks on other aspects of your eye health. Your optometrist will use a variety of instruments, shine bright lights into your eyes, and ask you to look through a variety of lenses. The eye exam has a series of tests to check your vision and detect eye disorders.

How often should I get an eye exam?

You should consider an eye exam every one to two years so that you can identify if you have vision problems on improve your vision quality if you need a new prescription. Age, family history and health all plays part in how often you should visit the optometrists. Discuss with your doctor how often you should have your eyes tested. Generally, people older than 40 should have their eyes tested every year and people younger every two years depending on their vision quality. 

What happens during an eye exam?

A medical history will be asked first to determine if you have any problems to focus on. The doctor may request you to have to follow up appointments if they are needed. Some of the tests that is performed are as follows:

Muscle movement: An eye muscle movements test checks your eye alignment. the test is done by watching the eyes move while you follow a target. 

Cover test: this test determines if your eyes work together. You will have to look at small far targets with one eye and the other one closed. This will also show If one eye is weaker than the other. 

Visual acuity test: This is the chart test where there are letters or numbers ranging from big to small. This test is also done by covering one eye at a time. 

Biomicroscope: This test allows the doctor to examine the cornea, aqueous humor and the retina.